New Rules of Dating World
Times have changed — and so have the rules regarding the biggest game of your life!
The biggest secret of this world is each one of us wants to love and be loved. Dating in a relationship is important because it allows you to get to know the person you are in a relationship with, while having a good time. Dating helps to reveal any potential problems you may have if pursuing a more serious relationship with a person and it sets the foundation for long term relationship. This “old maid” stigma is long gone. Some couples are opting to have families, live together and share a life without tying the knot. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but a long-term, satisfying relationship equals happiness — and a perfect fit for many. Dating is also healthy as it releases some happy hormones such as Endorphins, Dopamine and Serotonin. So let us see the eight new rules of Dating in this modern world.
# Rule 1: No More Waiting Game
It’s done. Dead. Over….. Yes, as per the 2015 survey of Cosmopolitan, it has been officially declared … no more waiting “three days” after a date to contact your new love interest. As the dating rule book certainly isn’t law, don’t wait three days to call her/him, just do it. If you had an amazing first date, text your date the very next day and let him/her know how you feel about.

# Rule 2: He asks, She pays
The one traditional dating “do” that still stands is the general belief men are supposed to make the first move. However, found 71% of women would offer to pick up the check on a first date. The best win-win situation in this scenario is to split the check. Therefore in modern era of dating world, gender roles are negotiable. Sometimes the lady wants to pay for a night out — and sometimes it’s the other way around. This means our old fashioned dating rules have become a little more flexible nowadays… and that is a wonderful thing. Embrace it!

#Rule 3: Ensure Every Date is Fun
Not only does trying to make your date happy make you feel good, but it is also one of the first signs of attraction. Studies have shown that when taking someone out on a date, the primary factor that will determine the success of the event is how much fun it was. The couples who goes on an adventurous trips, camping, Snorkeling or visiting theme parks together experience more fun rather than couples who doesn’t go anywhere.

#Rule 4: Your Past is Always Present
Prepare to be Googled. Your dates are digging for your past before they even shake hands. If you were arrested 20 years ago at a protest, be prepared to talk about it. If your jazz group has a review in the local paper, your date may be humming one of your tunes. If your past is less than savory, be prepared to explain.

#Rule 5: 40 is the New 30
It’s not just Jennifer Aniston and Demi Moore who look amazing and decades younger than they actually are. We are all living longer these days, and in many cases aging a lot more gracefully. Maybe it’s time to reconsider — and widen — your dating age parameters.

#Rule 6: Do Not Ignore Red Flags
While it’s important to give your date a fair shot, it’s also important to NOT ignore glaring signs of incompatibility, misaligned value systems or rambunctious behaviors. If you’re uncomfortable around someone, pay attention to the red flags. Don’t force yourself to stay in a bad situation, or to say yes to a date that you know, without a doubt, can lead nowhere. So wait for your Mr / Miss Right.

#Rule 7: The World is Smaller Than Ever
Thanks to the technology, the world has become a smaller place. Through Skype, Hangout, Yahoo Messenger, Face time etc, you can even manage long distance relationship and can enjoy your virtual dates.

Moreover marriage does not give the license to kill dating. You must plan a romantic date with your soulmate once a week whether it is cooking a gourmet meal or dining out at new restaurant. You can also go on a long-drive to the beach and catching a sunset or strolling hand in hand in park around a lake or pond and feeding ducks . Therefore you should never think that if you are married, you should not go on date but you should always go on a date to know your better half better. 😉

#Rule 8: End it Well
Most dating relationships end, either in marriage/ live-in relationship or with people going their separate ways — that’s the dating adventure. Make it your goal to end it well. Cherish the relationship for what it is, respect the person you’re with, and if it’s not meant to be, walk away from the relationship having given it your best and with no regrets.

To sum up, it is the same advice your mom gave you on the first day of school: be yourself. Present yourself authentically, laugh at the things you find funny, share your personal viewpoints on topics, wear your favorite geeky sweater, and give your date an opportunity to get to know the real you.
For all those singles who are ready to mingle and all those who are committed or happily married, please go on a date this weekend along with your girlfriend/ boyfriend or spouses and make them feel special.
Happy Dating….!!
Karen C
November 18, 2015Awesome article Ana! Such a fun and inspiring read. Thanks for sharing and I am sure there are so many people out there who can relate and learn from this post. The dating world can be a scary place and I am always looking for advice!! This really reminded me of an amazing book I read recently by marriage and family therapist Natalie Moore. Her website is great too. The book is called "It's a Match! The Guide to Finding Lasting Love" and it's an empowering and inspiring read about focusing on what really matters and how this ultimately will help you find someone with similar core values and morals. There are so MANY components within a relationship and it can be overwhelming, especially for an introvert. The author discusses all of these topics including affection, emotional intimacy, companionship intimacy and more. I like that it's written in such a way that you feel like you're getting advice from a close friend rather than a relationship book. This is very much how I felt when reading your article just now. Thank you again for your advice and I hope you and your readers will check out this book 🙂
View CommentAnamika Ojha
November 18, 2015Thanks Karen for your lovely comment. I will checkout this book for sure. 🙂
View CommentLali
October 16, 2015Great tips! I love your blog too definitely going to subscribe.
View CommentAna Ojha
October 16, 2015Hey Thanks Lali, I am glad you liked it. 🙂
View Commentcramos13
October 16, 2015I am so glad I am out of the dating world. And even if I were to be single again, I don’t think I would date…looks like it’s too hard :).
Thanks for sharing these rules with us Anamika! Have a great day and weekend.
View CommentAna Ojha
October 16, 2015Hey Hii Cori, yeah new rules are complicated but better than the old rules . I am glad you liked it. Just get well soon and you too have a great weekend… 🙂
View CommentChocolate Mama Loves Vanilla
October 16, 2015I love this post! The pictures are very humorous! 😀 you nailed this generation of the dating world. I’m a single mom, just thinking about dating gives me anxiety! LOL but thank you for the great tips for the future!
View CommentAna Ojha
October 16, 2015Hey Thanks for stopping by and am glad that you liked it. 🙂
View CommentAlly Fiesta
October 16, 2015Thank you for including dating for married people. 🙂
View CommentAna Ojha
October 16, 2015Hi Ally, you’re welcome 🙂
View CommentBethany
October 16, 2015It’s been two years since I’ve dated but these are pretty accurate! I especially like the splitting on good terms rule.
View CommentAna Ojha
October 16, 2015Hi Bethany, moving on a good note helps oneself not to carry any grudges from their Ex-es and look for their brighter future. 🙂
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