18 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Facebook
Facebook is a social network for connecting with old friends and families. There are few important things you must NOT do on Facebook so that you don’t annoy endless friends in your friend list. Be a better friend and make never doing these eighteen things on Facebook your manifesto for life:
1)Put your own profile picture
The objective of the Facebook profile picture is to show to the whole world how do you look like and not your entire family. Therefore it’s always advisable to put your own picture. For displaying rest of the things, Facebook cover image is always a good alternative.

2) Change your name to something stupid
We are already having trouble in remembering who you are to begin with, let alone after you changed your name to Coco Sweetheart for a joke that one other person in the world will get.

3) Share literally about Everything that is on your Mind
We all know that Zuckerberg wants us to share everything that is on our mind but for heavens sake, he doesn’t meant EVERYTHING. If you really want to share about your bad mood or day, please buzz your close friends on Wattsapp or give them a call and they will cheer you up.

4) Obituary posts
Please don’t post obituary posts on Facebook for your near and dear one’s. If you really want to sympathize with the family who has lost his / her loved one, either make a call or visit them and show your support.

5) Your baby pictures
Every parent thinks that their baby is the cutest in the world, but having a child is not meant to be a competition whereby proud parents constantly post ultrasound images and baby photos about every single movement of their babies…their first smile, first walk or their potty training. Parents please save private life of your kids among yourselves and your kids would be so thankful to you when they grow up.
6) Selfie Obsession
If you are suffering from the Selfie obsession pouting your face ten times a day and posting on Facebook, then let me tell you that you are annoying number of friends in your friend list. Please don’t torture them. If you really can’t do anything about your obsession, then please post on an Instagram.

7) Tag someone in the background of a photo they’re not really in
If Miranda doesn’t attend Thanks Giving dinner, please don’t immortalize her presence by tagging her. You may be annoying her.

8) Don’t ask about Questions whose Answers you can easily Google it
This is a transition of the humble brag with a bit of the cryptic status thrown in. “Anyone can tell me the Rolex showroom near my vicinity as I need to get my watch polished…?” is basically Facebook for “I have Rolex watch and I want you all to know about it”.

9) Holiday Spam
Yes, we are all jealous about your trip to Caribbean and hundreds of photos and statuses that you have shared about it on Facebook but please have little mercy on us as we don’t have time to watch your endless pictures which you are posting everyday. Please share your pictures with only close friends in a group whom do you think will be really interested in liking your pictures and statuses, not to everyone in your friend list.

10) Wedding Spam
Congratulation!, We are very happy to know that you have found the girl of your dreams to exchange rings but we definitely have no time to see countless pictures of your wedding decoration, reception and gala dinner. Please post it with only your close friends who are really interested in getting all the updates and not to your entire friend list.

11) Spam- Spam
“Like this post and share it on your wall and see the magic otherwise God will punish you.” Please don’t spam on Facebook as this is the most stupid thing anyone can do on Social Media.

12) Love Life / Married life
People are really not interested in knowing about how much in love you are with your significant other and they certainly don’t need their Facebook walls constantly bombarded by the grueling details of your date nights or Anniversaries. One’s love / wedding life is supposed to be a personal matter, and not something which is powered by social media for the entire world to see.

13) Updates about sizzling Saturday Nights
If you love hitting dance floor after getting five pegs high, please don’t post on Facebook for whole world to know that you are a party animal. Share only with your close friends who are really interested to know about it.

14) Unsolicited Check-Ins
People really don’t care about your fourth trip to Starbucks this week or recent movie that you have watched. So don’t do check-ins about places that even no one bothers to look at.

If you really want to share, then please share with your close friends in a group and not to everyone in your friend list.
or if you have really done something great that you want to brag about, you are welcome to post on Facebook with not more that five pictures.

15) Political/ Religious Opinion
Don’t give your political and religious opinion about controversial issues which alienate your large number of friends in your list. It has long been considered bad form to discuss subjects such as politics and religion with people you don’t know very well, and Facebook is absolutely no exception. Maintain common courtesy and keep your opinions to yourself, lest what might have once seemed like a constructive post end up being derailed into a flame war.

16) Corny Motivational Pictures
There is also the type of Facebook user who constantly shares cliched motivational posters accompanied by inspirational quotes. If you’re one of these types, you should stop right now. These so-called nuggets of wisdom, while sometimes funny and entertaining, are more often unoriginal and highly overused. They’re rarely the slightest bit inspiring in reality, and if you want to share something, make sure that it is something which offers some kind of value to its audience and it should be original.

17) Facebook Game Invitations
People are not interested in getting the updates about what level have you reached in Mafia Wars? If you will not change, then there will be only single alternative left either to unfriend you or they can block app invites from the Settings > Blocking page. You won’t be able to send them any Farmville and Candy Crush invitations to play…your choice!

18) Business/ Fan Page
In promoting your business, art and work and building your relationship with your customers / fans/ followers, make your business and promotional page and send invitations to your friends who would be interested and will support you. Try to find your niche and engage with them only, not with hundreds of people who doesn’t get any value from your product / service which you offer.

Make Facebook a better place to connect with the world. Don’t misuse it!
What are the most annoying things your friends do on Facebook which you don’t like? Do leave in the comments below.
Happy Facebooking !,
November 19, 2015These are great tips! I’m always amazed by what some people will put and share on Facebook.
View CommentBeth@FrugalFroggie
November 19, 2015Great advice for business owners and non business owners.
View CommentRa1neX
November 19, 2015Don’t share agreement with this post. Pretty much breaks the point of what facebook is. I do half of them and friends and family never complain. Though there are people who take it a step to far.
View CommentThe Wardrobe Stylist
November 18, 2015Absolutely LOVE IT!!! I FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME!!! lol
View CommentResa
November 18, 2015Great post! Haha I can definitely see myself from one of those points! Hilarious but true!
View CommentShann Eva
November 18, 2015There are so many of these that really annoy me. The checking in is one of my biggest pet peeves. Also, posting every single thought or something just to create drama is big on my list too.
View CommentLea Bullen
November 18, 2015Hi Anamika,
I’m so happy you put the profile picture thing first. People tend to change their pictures to group shots, and sometimes alter their names, then I’m left wondering who they are.
It’s also undesireable when people put up updates on their relationship, including the fights, then get mad when others try to offer advice or comment on the fact that they got back with the person.
View CommentDana
November 18, 2015I see people post pics of their kids constantly on FB. While I get that they love their children and want to share their moments, I never bring any attention to these posts for privacy reasons.
View CommentKarin Rambo
November 18, 2015I definitely agree about #3!
View CommentNatasha
November 18, 2015These are great! And you added gifs and great photos too! Hahaha…but you know these shenanigans will continue as long as FB is available. Fun post!
View CommentAna Ojha
November 18, 2015Yes Natasha, very true…thanks for stopping by. 🙂
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