What would be My Ideal Sunday Funday?

Who doesn’t love Sunday?

This is the best day of the week to get lazy, relax and do whatever you like! This is the day when you will not receive annoying phone calls of people trying to sell you stuff or bring down your credit card percent. The perfect Sunday would be a day free of all troubles which we face in our everyday lives. It can also be a day full of peace, joy, love, laughter, happiness and spending good time with family. Few things which I wouldn’t do on my ideal Sunday’s would be cooking, writing, working-out, opening my laptop and anything related to applying my brain or losing energy. In other words, I would love to do nothing on my ideal Sunday Funday!

But, here is the list of things which I would like to do on my ideal Sunday Funday: 

Waking Up when My Heart Desires

To me, the perfect Sunday starts with me waking up peacefully, just keeping my eyes closed, letting my mind fill up with the sounds coming from the street. I don’t listen to my alarm clock or whatsoever. That is the day when I am in love with my bed and more specifically my soft mattress and cozy pillows. You can’t ask for anything more in your life. This is the day when I can sleep in and no one bothers me! 

Be More Lethargic

After waking up, I will make a coffee for myself so that strong caffeine flows in my veins and keeps me awake. Then I will sit on the couch and take the remote in my hands and scroll all the channels on television if I find something interesting or else watch any movie on Netflix.


After the movie, it’s a brunch time. Maybe I will order Pizza or go out for a brunch buffet somewhere to feed my stomach and delight my taste buds.

Image Source: Giphy.com

Hitting the Beach

After Brunching, I would love to take Sun-Bath. That’s the best part of staying in Florida. I will head to Clearwater Beach or St. Pete Beach. I will take any book or my tablet to read while taking Vitamin E for my body in the scorching heat. I will try to take a nap for an hour or so on the beach and later play with the undulating waves and try to soak in the surrounding around.  Then will watch the sunset and absorb some positive vibes for the coming week.

Image Source: Giphy.com
Image Source: Giphy.com

An Evening Intake of Caffeine

After watching the sunset, I won’t mind heading towards Starbucks for a cup of Latte or Cappuccino along with blueberry or chocolate muffin. Then maybe I’ll call my friends to catch me somewhere for dinner.

Image Source: Giphy.com
Image Source: Giphy.com

Dine & Wine

The last but not the least, will go to any of our favorite restaurants and have a gala time with my friends with some good food and a glass of wine and maybe cursing coming ‘Mourning Monday’!

Image Source: Giphy.com
Image Source: Giphy.com

It’s Netflix Time Again

By the end of the day, a movie always comes along to take my mind of the worries to come with the Monday getting closer by the minute. It will also divert my mind from the ‘Monday blues’!

Image Source: Giphy.com

This post is a part of a campaign started by Casper to promote Happy Sunday Funday activities for different people and spread happiness around. Ana’s World supports them to share the joy and spread happiness around.

What would be your ideal Sunday Funday? Do leave in the comments below? 🙂



    1. Your post made me smile. My perfect Sunday is waking up late .. going for brunch with my husband at a greasy spoon .. and long walks with our dogs at the park.

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    1. Ahhh, the life! I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t do all of those things on Sunday. It’s a perfect day of rest, and FUN should be the operative word. 🙂 Enjoy!

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    1. My fun Sunday would be having all my four kiddos join us in bed. We laugh and talk for 30 minutes to 1 hour. We then would go downstairs and make breakfast together and sing while we cook. Then we would go somewhere…. museum or hike. We would come home and watch a family video. Put the kids to sleep and my husband and I would go outside on our deck and drink some wine. 🙂

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    1. Sunday’s are one of the best days for me to sleep in as well. Late lunches, and sitting on the couch make for an relaxing and fun weekend.

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    1. Wow. It seems like a lot of fun. I also want to spend such lazy Sunday. My Sundays are now filled by traveling and traveling. Miss those Sundays a lot.

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