7 Beauty Tips & Tricks For Traveling

When traveling, your appearance is probably the last thing on your mind. However, if you will follow the simple tips and tricks included in this article, you will discover that it is quite easy to maintain your beautiful look. No matter how far or for how long you may travel, our suggestions will help you look amazing and impress others with your appearance. Be sure to read these 7 beauty tips and tricks for traveling and decide for yourself whether these suggestions are helpful or not. You can then share them with your friends and family members, enjoying your newfound advice!

1) Replace your regular palm with butter

In the situation that you are traveling by plane, you know how uncomfortable chapped lips may be. If you have forgotten your lip balm at home, all you have to do is talk to a very nice flight attendant and request a small packet of butter (these are available for breakfast meals). You can use the butter to hydrate your lips, enjoying their smooth and soft texture, regardless of how many hours of flying you have ahead of you.

2) Anti-aging cream the night before your travel

If you want to look good during your travels, it is recommended to use the best anti-aging product out there, preferably one that has a heavier texture. Apply it on your face the night before your travel, so that you look really good in the morning. This product will ensure the enhanced hydration of the skin, reducing the risk of dehydration during the travel.

3) Deodorant on your face

This may seem like a stupid thing to do, but it is more efficient than you might think. In fact, many celebrities resort to this trick, to prevent excess sweating in certain areas of the face, such as the upper lip or the forehead. So, all you have to do is take a solid deodorant (the roll-on type), clean it and then apply it to your face. This ingenious trick will prevent you from sweating, allowing you to look quite fantastic.

4) Mineral water mist

If you are going to a longer travel, the mineral water mist is one of the must-have products to carry around. This product is quite simple to use, and it is one of the most efficient weapons against dehydration. Usually, when we feel that our skin is dry, we have the tendency to apply more moisturizer than it is necessary. Well, with the help of the mineral water mist, you will no longer have to worry about such matters.

5) Anti-aging products in traveling sizes

If you want to take your anti-aging products on your travels but you cannot carry them in their original packaging, it is recommended to purchase special containers for such purposes. These are small in size, and they allow you to store your anti-aging products without effort. Regarding what products you should use, Nuvitaskin is an excellent choice, being a product that promises to deliver highly-efficient anti-aging properties. Such products can minimize the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, preventing new ones from appearing at the same time.

6) No travel without oil-free cleansing wipes

Oil-free cleansing wipes can make the difference between a successful travel and one that has proved out to be a disaster. If you have spilled something, need to refresh or want to clean your hands, these wipes will come in handy. Just make sure you go for the oil-free version, as these are the best. Keep in mind that these can be chosen according to the skin type as well. For example, if you have acne-prone skin, you can choose wipes that contain antibacterial ingredients and keep the risk of acne breakouts down to a minimum.

7) Hand sanitizer to protect your skin

When you are traveling, you present a higher risk of skin infections, due to your hands touching a lot of dirty surfaces. No matter how difficult it may seem, you have to educate yourself and avoid touching your face. However, if you do have to touch your skin, it is recommended to at least use hand sanitizer first. This will allow for proper disinfection, thus reducing the risk of acne breakouts and other skin infections.

These are only a couple of beauty tips and tricks to remember for your future travels. Use them in your future travels and discover how you can travel in comfort and look amazing at the same time.

7 Beauty Tips & Tricks For Traveling

About the Author

Sophie Addison is a popular blogger and skincare expert. She is very passionate about writing on skincare and beauty. She has posted articles on tips for under eye fine lines and wrinkles, best eye creams, weight loss and  fitness news. Apart from work she likes gardening and listening music. You can also contact her on Facebook and Pinterest.

Solvaderm Skin Care


    1. Those are awesome tips! I used to travel a lot and I can’t believe I never thought of replacing my balm with butter every time I forgot it. Thanks for these great tips!

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