Best Tattoo Trends To Look Forward To In 2017

You might already be an avid tattoo lover or you could still be contemplating about the best possible tattoo option for your unique personality and style. Either way, it’s always good to have an inspiration. Therefore, check out some of the following tattoo ideas because they are bound to be some of the most popular artistic details in 2017.

Minimalistic tattoos

This tattoo trend is perfect for souls who value minimalism in both their style and appearance. It’s also a perfect start if you’re unsure what tattoo to get, or simply don’t want to deal with a lot of pain. Basically, your minimalistic tattoo can be whatever you want. The only important thing is that the design speaks to you personally. For example, different trees, shapes, words, signs, etc. are bound to keep their respective place in the top tattoo choices in 2017.

Best Tattoo Trends To Look Forward To In 2017

Hand-drawn tattoos

You might be thinking that all tattoos are hand-drawn. Well, the trend for the following year actually involves tattooing your own hand-drawn ideas and designs. So, if you value free-hand aesthetic and want to decorate your body in the most personal way possible, definitely try to draw your own ideal pattern or picture that would make you proud and fulfilled. You can also choose different types of lines and ink that would really make the tattoo look hand-drawn on your body.

Best Tattoo Trends To Look Forward To In 2017

Whatever color scheme you like

In recent years, there was a clear division in popularity when it comes to your regular black tattoos, white ink tattoos and colorful ones. Well, in 2017, there won’t be such a division. Basically, whatever you want on the canvas that is your body can be achieved. This means that you can go ahead and tattoo your colorful picture the way you imagined it, or stick to minimalism and delicacy with black or white only ink. Combining these is also a trend in making. In that respect, you have only your creativity as a limit. It’s worth mentioning that picture book-like designs are about to become all the rage in the tattoo world.

Best Tattoo Trends To Look Forward To In 2017

Optical illusion

Almost magical, tattoos that represent some kind of optical illusion are also considered to be some of the best tattoos the art world has to offer in 2017. These are absolutely perfect for people who want to express themselves in many different ways but still wish for one or two tattoos only. For example, ambigram tattoos are already taking the world by storm since these allow for different messages to decorate your body in the most unique and interesting way. What’s more, if you’re considering an ambigram for your tattoo, you can draw the design yourself and that way make it twice as special.

Best Tattoo Trends To Look Forward To In 2017

Chakra-inspired tattoos

Chakras and search for spirituality and mindfulness have become an important part of modern society. In that respect, it’s no wonder that more and more people are opting for some beautiful chakra-inspired tattoos in order to deepen their search for themselves and feel more whole and stronger. There are various designs when it comes to chakra tattoos and they are undoubtedly gorgeous. Also, you can choose from smaller, almost minimalistic ones to larger colorful and intricate tattoos. Of course, the place for this type of tattoo is really important so make sure to consider this bit carefully.

Best Tattoo Trends To Look Forward To In 2017

If there is one trend to rule them all it’s definitely the ability to create and choose a tattoo that would represent your spirit, style and individuality the best. The time of catalog tattoos is long gone. So, if you want to treat yourself with a gorgeous artistic addition to your body in 2017, make sure to put your mind, soul and heart to it.

About the Author


Diana Smith is a full-time mom of two beautiful girls and a passionate fashion lover! In her free time, she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.


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Best Tattoo Trends To Look Forward To In 2017


    1. I’d love to get something minimalistic and meaningful if I ever decide to get a tattoo which is probably never going to happen. 😀

      Expressing Life

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    1. I go back and forth about whether I would want to get a tattoo or not. I just can’t imagine having something etched on my body for the rest of my life. Then, there are times where I think I would love a minimalistic one.

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