Top 3 Tips To Pick The Right Clothes For A Fun Travel

More or less, traveling has lost its charm. There was a time when it was rare and extremely exciting to travel to places far and wide on a holiday, wait for trains, buses, and planes, and be greeted by comely, welcoming stewardesses and well-dressed fellow passengers. These days, holiday travels feel more like a visit to the dentist where people are herded together, prodded for security checks, and led into cramped, unfriendly travel vehicles.

Because people have lost their enthusiasm for traveling, they no longer feel the urge to dress up handsomely for it. Or maybe, it is the other way around: Because people no longer dress handsomely for traveling, their enthusiasm for it has died down. Dressing up sure brings out the fun and elation in any activity, why not bring it back to your travels as well!

For those of you who complain that dressing up makes the commute queasy and uncomfortable, we are certainly not asking you to compromise on your relaxation for a long travel. In fact, if you are dressed right, you can be comfortable in style. Here’s what you must consider ensuring the aforementioned:

1) Is the Dress Appropriate for Destination?

You have to pack, prepare, and dress particularly if you’re traveling to a holiday resort in a place with harsh weather conditions. Also, if you could dress in accordance with the destination’s cultures, dressing norms and traditions it would further go on to show how much respect you have for the place and its people.

Top 3 Tips To Pick The Right Clothes For A Fun TravelThe same holds true if you are traveling to participate in an event, such as a friend’s wedding. You might have to land straight at the wedding venue and for times like these, Hextie has just the right men ties, belts, and other accessories to match your suit. They are easily foldable to be carried in luggage and crease-free! In addition to being comfortably mobile, Hextie’s ties are sure to make you stand out at weddings with their exquisite designs and intricate structures.

2) Is the Dress Sturdy and Comfortable? 

You may end up sitting in very awkward positions or traveling for way more hours than expected. Whatever the case may be, your dress must be durable and resistant to tear and abrasion. When traveling, go with dresses made out of fabric that is crease-resilient and not easily damaged. All the while, prioritizing comfort over all other factors. Don’t wear dresses that fit too tight, nag or itch the skin, or leaves rashes or pressure marks. An uncomfortable dress holds the power to destroy the entire journey and spoil your enthusiasm for the destination. Beware!

Top 3 Tips To Pick The Right Clothes For A Fun Travel

3) Is the Dress Stylish?

Photographs come with traveling, only second to food. When traveling with friends, selfies and photo shoots at any and every scenic spot are a must. You don’t want to be dressed sluggishly and later whine at how indolent you look in comparison to others at fun travels! Pull out the most exuberant hats, skirts, jeans, and tops your wardrobe has to offer and match them with pretty, relaxing footwear. Go for bright colors and flowery patterns to look your best in photographs.

Top 3 Tips To Pick The Right Clothes For A Fun Travel

We are sure your trip is going to become all the more fun and aesthetic if your dress well for it; dress in accordance with the destination or event, make sure you’re comfortable in it, and manage to pull off a stylish look simultaneously!

About the Author


Ricardo Martinez is a marketing professional working at Hextie, a store focused on designing unique ties and bow ties for gentlemen. 

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    1. These are some great points to consider when dressing/packing for a trip. I’m terrible though…. I always overpack because I’m ffraid I’ll forget something.

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    1. I have such issues when it comes to packing the right clothes for traveling. I always want to be comfortable and sometimes that doesn’t equal stylish! 😉

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    1. Traveling is fun if you have everything in order. These are all great tips for picking the right clothes. I think it’s important to do your research.

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    1. These are good tips for style while traveling. Function definitely outweighs style for me, and I hardly ever pack dresses. I’m going to have keep these in mind.

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    1. These are all such amazing tips every traveller should consider when packing clothes! I’ll keep them in mind for my next trip! I agree that to look your best in photograph you should bring bright colors and flowery patterns!

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