7 Best Skin Care Tips for Traveling Women

Whether you are flying across the country for a meeting or just need some tips for a morning commute, skincare tips are essential for you to look your best. Businesswomen have a limited amount of time for skincare. To make the most of the time you have, use the following skincare techniques. Beauty and skincare do not have to be exclusive. Plan in advance and you can always look your best.

Moisturizing is a Must

When you get on a plane, the cabin pressure changes. This causes moisture to be pulled out of your body. Due to this, you can end up with dried-out skin and chapped lips. Whenever you travel, pack a travel-sized bottle of moisturizer in your carry-on. Also, make sure to bring some ChapStick or lip balm. Before, during, and after the flight, you must moisturize your skin. Drinking plenty of water can also help to make sure that your body stays hydrated.

Think Tinted

With the changing cabin pressure, stress, and dehydration, the last thing that your skin needs are a heavy layer of foundation. Instead, use some tinted moisturizer after you land for a healthy glow. If you have to wear a foundation, make sure that you use a primer first. This will allow your skin to have an extra layer of foundation and can prevent dehydration.

Bring Along Rice Papers

Travel can be a nightmare for women who have oily skin. While the plane is drying out your face, your T-zone becomes oilier than ever. If you try to wash this oil off, it will only cause the rest of your face to dry out. Instead, bring along rice paper or blotting papers. These papers can help to absorb the oil without drying out the rest of your face.

Avoid Long-Lasting Lipstick

In normal life, long-lasting lipstick is great to get yours through a conference or boardroom meeting. When it comes to a long flight, long-lasting lipsticks will dry out the lips. Even worse, they will leave your mouth feeling parched. If you absolutely must have color, use several coats of a lip stain. Above these coats, apply a layer of clear lip gloss, chapstick or lip balm. You can reapply this during your flight for a fresh look. For added protection, you should make sure to bring lip treatments in your carry-on bag. A medicated lip balm is great for hydrating the lips and will not remove your lip stain. It is also beneficial for any environment where heat or air conditioning would normally dry out your lips.

7 Best Skin Care Tips for Traveling Women

Bring Along the Eye Drops

Flights and air-conditioned buses dry out every part of your body—including your eyes. As you read or relax on the flight, your eyes may become red or irritated. This problem can be fixed by just remembering to pack some eye drops. These drops can help to refresh your eyes and prevent redness. If you have puffy eyes at the end of the flight, some ice in a washcloth will solve the problem. The cool temperature will help to stimulate blood flow and instantly solve any puffiness.

Mascara and Bright Nail Polish Are Not Your Friends

Mascara and cream eye shadows are terrible for long flights, bus trips, or train rides. If you are wearing cream eye shadow or mascara on your eyes, it will migrate as you nap. Likewise, bright nail polish should be avoided. It tends to chip during travel and leaves you looking unprofessional. Instead, simply buff and polish your nails. Even if your nails lose some of their gloss, it will not be noticeable to other business professionals.

Never Touch Your Face

Normally, you want to avoid touching your face because the bacteria and oils can cause a breakout. When it comes to travel, you need to avoid touching your face because of all the bacteria and germs at the airport. Some bacteria that you encounter could lead to skin problems or rashes. If you need to apply moisturizer or makeup, make sure to use an antibacterial lotion or hand wash to keep your skin safe.

All of the skincare tips in the world will not help if your bottles open up in mid-flight. Always remember to pack your anti-aging products in Ziploc bags in case they open. Also, placing a strip of tape across the top of the bottle can ensure that they do not come open.

With the proper preparation, you can ensure that you arrive at your destination looking as good as you did when you left. These skincare tips are must-haves for any businesswoman. Remember to stay hydrated as you fly and pamper your skin. Adequate moisturizers and chapsticks will help to keep your skin soft and supple during the long trip.

About the Author

Sophie Addison is a popular blogger and skincare expert. She is very passionate about writing on skincare and beauty. She is an active contributor of many health and lifestyle blogs including Glozine lifestyle. She has posted articles on tips for fine lines and wrinkles, best eye creams, weight loss and fitness news. Apart from work she likes gardening and listening music. You can also follow her on Facebook and Pinterest.


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7 Best Skin Care Tips for Traveling Women


    1. Those are some great tips! I definitely need to work on the never touch your face one and I never thought about the long lasting lips drying them out over a flight!

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