Chic Ideas For Customizing Your Style When You Travel

It’s all too easy to feel like you’re trapped into a certain look when you’re traveling. There’s only so much room for clothes in a suitcase, and the more bags you bring, the more money you have to spend before you even get to where you want to go. As trips progress, you quickly run out of options for outfits, unless you want to spend your limited vacation time at a dry cleaner.

Don’t let yourself feel this way ever again by trying out some easy tips to help you customize your style while you’re traveling. You’ll be able to get more creative without stuffing more things into your favorite suitcase, and you’ll never feel the need to keep track of outfit plans. By throwing a little twist into your normal packing routine, you’ll learn how to arrive in style and leave in it too.

Pack Some Scarves

Chic Ideas For Customizing Your Style When You Travel

Scarves are the ultimate fashion accessory because they’re so comfy and affordable. They’re something you especially have to pack if you’re traveling somewhere where it’s a little chilly or even cold. Scarves work as an accent piece if it ends up being warmer than you thought it’d be, and they’re a practical lifesaver if the temperature starts dropping. Plus you can reuse them without needing to wash them, so one or two scarves can last you a whole trip.

Bring a Statement Jacket

Chic Ideas For Customizing Your Style When You Travel

If you’re used to traveling, you’re probably already in the habit of bringing a jacket or sweatshirt to the airport because let’s face it, airports are either a sauna or a freezer. It’s better to have something to keep you warm than risk freezing during your trip! Before your next vacation, take a second look at the jacket you’re bringing. It could help you customize your style more than you think.

Wearing one or two high-quality fashion pieces could make you a trendsetter without breaking the bank, and wearing a nice jacket is a great place to start. Jackets are easily reusable without needing to wash them, and they can be coordinated with multiple outfits. One of the most durable and longest lasting types of jackets is the leather jacket, so read up on the best kinds of leather and invest in a leather jacket that can transform your travel style.

Pack by Color

Coordinating outfits with your personal style can be much easier to do if you think of packing by color and not by the overall look of each outfit. Look at your closet and see which colors stand out to you the most to see what you naturally like to wear. Then pack it! If you’re lost, try to pack with monochrome colors to improve all your travel outfits. You’ll be able to throw everything together without separating out different outfits for each day of your trip.

Buy at Each Stop

Another way to make your style more authentic is to utilize clothing from where you’re traveling to. Imagine you’re vacationing in New York City where there are many different towns and places to visit. Instead of buying the stereotypical souvenirs like keychains or snow globes, get one piece of clothing from each town or part of town that you visit. Then use a new one each day in your outfits to create a look that’s always fresh and new.

Switch Up Your Jewelry

Chic Ideas For Customizing Your Style When You Travel

It’s easy to forget to pack jewelry until there’s not much room left in your suitcase. It’s not really a necessity, but you also don’t want to leave home without it. Try using a minimalist style for jewelry while you’re traveling. It’s easy to learn how to wear minimal jewelry that still makes a statement, so after reading up on some tips, you can pack light without compromising how you’ll look while away from home.

Customizing your style when you travel doesn’t have to be a challenge. Sometimes to freshen up your look or make it more personalized, all you have to do is leave the chunky necklaces at home or invest in a durable, reusable piece of clothing. The key is to never lose track of your personal style and always be ready to try something new. Switching up just one part of your look could bring you to the travel style you’ve always dreamed of.

About the Author

Kacey Mya is a lifestyle blogger for The Drifter Collective – an eclectic lifestyle blog that expresses various forms of style through the influence of culture and the world around us. Throughout her life, she has found excitement in the world around her. Kacey graduated with a degree in Communications while working for a lifestyle magazine. She has been able to fully embrace herself with the knowledge of nature, the power of exploring other locations, cultures, and styles while communicating these endeavors through her passion for writing and expression. Her love for the world around her is portrayed through her visually pleasing, culturally embracing and inspiring posts.


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Chic Ideas For Customizing Your Style When You Travel


    1. I usually look like either a bum or a hippie when traveling. Your post has given me inspiration to become mroe stylish.

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    1. I rarely travel, but when I do, it’s usually just one state away to visit my daughters and granddaughters. The only big trip I’ve been on recently was in 2013 when my hubby and I went to Punta Cana for my middle daughter’s destination wedding. I wish I had read tips like yours THEN! I did remember jewelry, and due to the resort’s dress code for their eating establishments, I had to bring several dresses and accessories. I also bought jewelry, a hat, and a purse while I was there!

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    1. I love bringing different jewelries as well. Scarves, not so much. I can’t seem to figure out how to make it look good, to be honest with you. I do love bring jackets as well. Definitely my two top things to bring when we travel.

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    1. Great ideas for packing light be feeling great when traveling. I am a big fan of jewelry and scarves. They are always in my suitcase when I travel.

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    1. Such a great idea about scarves. Every couple of years I go to Isla Mujeres and when I’m there, buy sarongs. They can be worn as a skirt, shawl, or dress and means I only only have to pack the basics. x

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    1. My husband and I always love grabbing a cute outfit or two when we’re traveling. It not only adds to the wardrobe while we’re out and about, as you stated, but it adds to our adventure and gives us something to take home that’s more lasting and useful. I adore those outfits and often find they end up being my favorite pieces in my closet.

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    1. These are some great tips. The only one that I’m not on board with yet is scarves. I’ve just kind of never been a scarf kind of girl. But, as they say don’t knock it until you try it lol.

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    1. Great suggestions! I’m a really sensible packer and am used to a tiny bag. So many times when I’ve gone away all I needed was one statement piece or accessory to make all the different. Jewelry takes up no space and transforms an outfit!

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